Facebook Photo Zoom - Zoom Images In Facebook with Mouse Hover

FB Photo Zoom is a simple, light-weight extension that
integrates directly into FB so you can see the larger im
ages of photo albums,profile photos and more whenev
er you hover over a zoomable image!

So as soon as you will install this extension you can 
visit Facebook and when ever you see any image u
wanna get a broad view off than simply hover on
that image and you would be able to do that really

So you will not be able to see the mouse in the above
image as its not captured during this shot their but I
just hovered on the above small image and I got a bi
gger preview right on the side of it. So this extension
works quit well and it also comes with a settings menu
which you can tweak like below.

So as you can see its settings menu also contain one
option saying Disable Facebook’s “Photo Theater” 
well I just tried it out but that option is not working
so else everything just works fine so you can figure
that out.

Add FB Photo Zoom To Your Chrome , Click the below link:-

FB Photo Zoom

ADD FB Photo Zoom To your Firefox and Safari, Click the Below link:-

FB Photo Zoom

Note:- This Fb photo Zoom is available for chrome,
firefox and safari only from this blog.

Plz +1 d this and share .

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