Search the Google Images By the Exact Dimensions (Exact Size)

In Google Search ,Google Images recently offered a useful “search by size or search by high resolution dimensions” option to help you find images by their exact size (or resolution). By this featured Google Option you can view and download High Resolution Images i.e Hd Quality Images .

For instance, you could limit your search for landscape photographs to image files that were at least 10 Megapixels in size. Or, if you are were using Google Image search to find wallpapers for the desktop, you could specify the image resolution as 1920×1080 pixels that is exact hd quality image resolution and Google would only return large resolution images with those exact dimensions.

TechnoHackzs Search the Google Images By the Exact Dimensions

The “exact size” search option is missing in the new Google Search engine but you can still limit your searches to a particular size by using the “Imagesize” search operator in the query itself (see the above screenshot).

Enter the search terms as before i .e Your Image Type Name and then add IMAGESIZE:WIDTHxHEIGHT  to the query. Once you HIT Enter, Google Images will remove the operator from the query but the results will only display images that match the specified size.

This Google Image search by size operators works well on the  all mobile versions of Google as well.

Watch the Youtube Video Playlist With VLC Media Player (VideoLAN Client)

The world’s favorite and Mostly Used video player VLC Media Player is supports nearly every video format, and this  can also play YouTube videos on your desktop without requiring the any web browser or the Adobe Flash player or any extenison .

To get started, Open the VLC Media player,and press Ctrl+N to open the Network URL dialog Option and paste any YouTube video playlist URL in the Network URL input box.

TechnoHackzs - Watch the Youtube Video Playlist With VLC

Benefits of playing youtube vidoes with vlc media player : 

  1. You can able to change the Playback speed of the any YouTube video and make it run slower or faster than the Actual or normal speed.
  2.  You Can able to take the Snapshot using take snapshot option to capture the any screenshot image   of any frame or scene in the YouTube video.
  3. Watch the YouTube videos without the ads. I played a couple of movies and music videos inside VLC and none of them carried any pre-roll ads.

Play YouTube Playlists inside VLC :-

VLC, by default, only supports single YouTube URLs but it also possible to import an entire YouTube Playlist into VLC and watch all the videos in sequence.

TechnoHackzs - Watch the Youtube Video Playlist With VLC

Here’s the another working  trick.

Right-click and save this file to your desktop. Now open the VLC installation folder (%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC) and move the .lua file into the exiting /lua/playlist folder.
Restart the VLC Media Player and choose Media -> Open Network Stream. Now paste the URL of any  YouTube Playlist here and the enjoy the videos..