Microsoft Shows Windows 8 Can Run On A Phone

In his post about development of Windows 8 for ARM
processors, Windows president, Steven Sinofsky shar
ed images of Windows 8 running on a phone. Sinofsky 
says that they did not hav ARM powered tablets in tho
se days so ARM powered phones became the best ch

Sinofsky added a note saying that the images were just
testing and did not hint at new product. Rumors about
running Windows 8 on phones have been doing rounds
and these early-day trials could be the reason. As long
Zheng pointed out on his blog, these images are from
2010. Windows 8 on ARM powered phones:

PS: The first image reads Windows 7 but if looked at 
closely it is build 7652 which is widely considered to
be one of the early Windows 8 builds.

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