Command Prompt Movie : Watch Starwars Movie In the Command Prompt

Hi Friends !! Iam Back With Another Awesome Working 
Trick in Command Prompt that is watch a Movie in Com
mand  Prompt .Today I Will Expalin How To Watch The
Starwars Movie In CMD . It is Working Trick and Movie 
Plays with the Computer Symbols and It shows Conversa
tion also.

Follow The Instructions Below :-

This Trick IS working in your Pc When Telent is Activated 
in your Computer.

To Enable the Telent Follow the Steps Below:-

1) First Go To Control Panel .

2) In The Control Panel Click The Programs.

3) In the Programs Click The Turn Windows Features on or off Option.

4) In that Windows Features Option Turn ON the
Telnet Client and Telnet Server as showin in the 
Image Below.

5) Now Direcly Go to Run and Type Cmd and in the 
Command Prompt Copy the Following Code :-


Thats It Now your CMD Plays The Starwars Movie like 
the Image Below.

Enjoy The Trick and If You Like My post Plz Share 
this Post and +1 this and Thank u For the Visiting. 
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